Storm Dennis and the gardening weekend 2020.
The week before one of our most important events of the year came storm Ciara… had it come a week later it would have ruined the whole event! at least that was what we thought. Little did we realise that storm Dennis would rush in exactly as we were opening the doors on the first day. The unlikely event of two storms a week apart was shocking. However the hall was all set out and we were ready to go whatever mother nature threw at us. We didn’t expect much. To our amazement people turned out in droves. Friday, the best weather day of the three, was so busy we couldn’t cope. ‘Lets go before the worst of the storm comes’ was a common phrase. Non stop from when we opened the doors it was incredible.
Saturday came and yet again people flocked in to see our guest speakers. Not a chair was empty for James, Lindsey and Matthew. the whole event was buzzing despite torrential rain and 70 mph winds.
Sunday was quieter, the long distance travellers often had to battle flooded roads, but again all the talks were packed which was great for Joe, Richard and Malcolm.
All in all the gardening weekend event was a run away success, exceeding our wildest expectations, proving the point that gardeners are a hardy determined bunch. Huge thanks to all our speakers, stall holders, caterers, staff and most of all customers.
The stage was one of our best, a mystical almost surreal setting with weird and wonderful flora and magical beasts. It went down well which was great as it was certainly different from last years. Already we are planning the next one… snow scene? woodland? maybe an alpine meadow.. who knows!
Special thanks to Hazel and Mathew who kept everyone happy and took the whole event in their stride.
Thanks also to Llandysul Community Council, Anne and Suzanna for their continued support and for those who donated. These are all crucial so that we can keep the event free.
One last thanks to Kev and Fred who keep the hall warm and tidy for us and put up with the chaos that we create when setting this up.
Thanks all!!